May 6, 2023, Sunset @ 8:04 pm in Maryland

Hello, my fellow sun-lovers! Can we all just take a moment to collectively shout “hooray” because the sun is setting later and later these days? I mean, it’s like the universe finally realized that we need more time in our day to bask in the glow of that fiery ball of goodness.

Personally, I’ve been dancing around like a maniac in my backyard every evening, trying to soak up every last ray of sunlight before it disappears over the horizon. So, let’s all raise a glass (or a sunscreen bottle) to this beautiful phenomenon and celebrate the fact that we can finally say goodbye to those depressing, dark, 4 PM sunsets. Who’s with me? Let’s get our Vitamin D on!

And for all of you not already doing the happy dance for later sunsets, well then, my friend, it’s time to put on your dancing shoes and join the party! I mean, come on, who doesn’t love more daylight hours to frolic in the sun like a carefree newborn foal?

But just in case you’re still not convinced, let me give you not just 5, not just 8, but 10 incredible reasons why later sunsets are simply awesome. So grab a snack( liquid or otherwise), sit back, and prepare to be dazzled by the wonders of nature (and my mediocre writing skills).

# 1. motivation to work longer

Let’s be honest here, folks. When was the last time any of us actually did any work during those extended work hours provided by a later sunset? I mean, sure, we have all these grandiose plans to finally tackle that outdoor home improvement project or weed that should be a rose garden, but let’s face it, the couch and a bag of chips usually win out in the end.

But on the off chance that you are one of those highly motivated, productive individuals who actually use that extra daylight to get things done around the house, well then, kudos to you my friend! Maybe you can come over and help me finally fix that leaky outdoor faucet I’ve been ignoring for the past 3 months.

In all seriousness though, a later sunset can be a blessing in disguise for those of us who have been putting off outdoor household chores and tasks. Not only do we have more daylight to work with, but we also have the added benefit of feeling like we’re accomplishing something while also soaking up some much-needed Vitamin D. So, go ahead and cross off that to-do list, pat yourself on the back, and then join me on the couch with those chips. We’ve earned it.

#2. Sunshine antidepressant

Well, well, well, looks like we have yet another reason to celebrate the later sunset. Who knew that the sun could actually be a natural antidepressant? I mean, you shouldn’t just forget about going to those therapy sessions and/or medications, but just in case you haven’t gotten that far yet you may only need a little extra daylight to boost your mood and mental health.

But don’t just take my word for it. Science has shown that exposure to natural light can have a significant impact on our well-being. And with a later sunset, we have even more opportunities to soak up that sunshine and get those happy hormones flowing. So, go ahead and bask in that golden hour glow, dance around like a maniac, and let those endorphins work their magic.

And if anyone asks why you’re suddenly so cheery and full of energy, just tell them you’ve discovered the secret to happiness – and it’s called a later sunset. Who needs therapy when you have Mother Nature on your side? Now, if only we could get her to provide us with some free pizza and unlimited Netflix binges, we’d be set for life.

#3. Later sunset walks

Alright, my fellow couch potatoes, it’s time to dust off those sneakers and get moving! The later sunset means we have no more excuses for being lazy and sedentary. Come on, we all probably need it after hibernating on our butts all winter long.

But let’s be honest, sometimes even the thought of going for a walk or bike ride after work can be daunting. I mean, with all that we do all day who has the energy for that, or headspace? Well, fear not my friends, because with more daylight hours, we can trick ourselves into thinking we’re actually enjoying physical activity. It’s all about the power of positive thinking (and maybe a little bit of delusion).

So go ahead and lace up those sneakers, grab a friend, and hit the pavement. And if you need a little extra motivation, just think about all the calories you’ll burn and how much ice cream you can indulge in later guilt-free. That’s right, the later sunset is not just a gift to our physical health, but also to our taste buds. So, let’s embrace it, and maybe even start a “sunset workout” trend. Who needs the gym when you have the great outdoors (and a pint of Cherry-Garcia waiting for you at home)?

#4. late sunset light therapy

Wow! Could it be that we have finally found the solution to all our sleepless nights – later sunsets? Who needs sleeping pills when you have good ol’ Mother Nature providing us with some free light therapy?

But let’s not get too excited just yet. We all know that getting a good night’s sleep is easier said than done. I mean, there’s the endless scrolling through social media, the Netflix binges, and of course, the dreaded thought of tomorrow’s workday. But fear not my sleep-deprived friends, because, with the natural light exposure from a later sunset, we might actually have a fighting chance at getting some quality shut-eye.

So, go ahead and turn off those screens, draw the curtains, and let the natural light work its magic. And if you’re still struggling to fall asleep, just remember that counting sheep is so last century. Instead, try counting all the reasons why the later sunset is awesome. It’s a foolproof way to both entertain yourself and lull yourself to sleep. And who knows, maybe you’ll even dream about dancing around in the sunlight, checking off your to-do list, and going for a sunset workout. Ahh, the sweet dreams of outdoor time.

#5. Socializing at sunset

Ladies and gentlemen, the later sunset is not just a gift to our productivity, mental health, physical activity, and sleep, but also to our social lives. That’s right, we finally have an excuse to get out of our sweatpants and reconnect with the world (or at least our friends and family).

And let’s be honest after the past few years we’ve had( the dreaded lock down), we could all use a little extra connection and laughter in our lives. So go ahead and plan that outdoor picnic, barbecue, or bonfire. And if you need a little help convincing your friends to join in on the fun, just remind them that the later sunset means they have no excuse to bail early.

But remember, with great socializing comes great responsibility. That’s right, you can’t just show up to your friend’s backyard and expect everything to magically fall into place. You have to bring your A-game. That means witty jokes, delicious snacks, and of course, an outfit that says “I may have been wearing sweatpants for a few years, but I can still rock a cute sundress.” So, go ahead and embrace the later sunset, and let’s make these later sunsets a time to remember (or at least one that we don’t regret).

#6. a lighter bill

Hehehe…Look who’s laughing all the way to the bank now? That’s right, you and your wallet because with the later sunset, you won’t have to give your electric company any more of your hard-earned money. Say goodbye to those sky-high electricity bills, and hello to the sweet, sweet sound of a few extra dollars in your pocket.

We shouldn’t be overly optimistic at this point though. Just because the sun is setting later doesn’t mean we should go all out and waste electricity like we’re running our own personal power plant. We still need to be mindful of our energy usage and try to reduce it as much as possible. So, go ahead and turn off those unnecessary lights, unplug those unused devices, and enjoy the natural light show that Mother Nature is providing us with.

And let’s be real here, who needs artificial lighting when you have the majestic beauty of a sunset? It’s like a free, ever-changing painting in the sky. So, go ahead and grab a front-row seat, sit back, and enjoy the show. And if you need a little extra entertainment, just imagine the looks on your electric company’s face when they see your reduced energy usage. Victory has never tasted sweeter.

# 7. Late sunset with your furry friend

Ah, the eternal struggle of the working dog owner. How do you balance your job with the needs of your furry friend? Well, fear not my fellow dog lovers, because with a later sunset, you can finally take your pup out for a post-work walk without feeling like a terrible pet parent. No more guilty glances at your furry friend as you rush out the door in the morning, leaving them cooped up inside all day.

Now, imagine it: the sun is still shining, the birds are still singing, and your pup is wagging its tail with excitement as you slip on its leash. You both venture out into the fresh air, exploring the world around you and enjoying each other’s company. It’s a win-win situation – you get some much-needed exercise and quality time with your furry best friend, and they get to stretch their legs and explore the great outdoors.

And let’s not forget the added bonus of meeting other dogs and their owners on your evening strolls. Who knows, maybe you’ll even make some new friends (both human and canine) along the way. So go ahead, embrace those late sunsets, and give your furry friend the attention and exercise they deserve. After all, they’re the ones who really make coming home from work worth it!

# 8. Show your best side

Alright you all, it’s time to get your camera ready because, with the later sunset, you’ll have some of the best lighting for photography. Say goodbye to those harsh, midday shadows and hello to the soft, golden light of the evening. You’ll be taking pictures like a pro in no time (or at least you’ll be able to pretend like you know what you’re doing).

But let’s not forget about all the other outdoor activities that can benefit from the enhanced natural beauty of a later sunset. Whether you’re hiking, biking, or just taking a leisurely stroll, the scenery will be absolutely breathtaking. You’ll feel like you’re walking through a postcard (or an Instagram filter). So, go ahead and take a deep breath of that fresh air, soak up the natural beauty, and enjoy the moment.

And really, who wouldn’t want to be surrounded by natural beauty? It’s like a free therapy session for your soul. So, go ahead and embrace your inner nature lover and get outside. And if you need a little extra inspiration, just imagine all the envy-inducing photos you’ll be able to post on social media. Your friends will be so jealous that they may even start planning their own outdoor adventures (and then you can be the envy-inducing one).

#9. sun setting later nature lovers

Listen up! With the later sunset, you’ll have more time to appreciate all the natural wonders around you. You’ll start noticing things you never even knew existed, like that weird-looking bug crawling up your leg or the way the light filters through the trees in the evening. Who needs TV when you have nature to entertain you?

And let’s not forget about all the amazing animals you’ll get to see in their natural habitats. You may spot a family of deer grazing in a meadow or catch a glimpse of a majestic eagle soaring overhead. It’s like your own personal wildlife documentary but without the annoying narrator.

But the best part of all? With a greater appreciation for nature, you’ll start to feel like a total outdoorsy person. You’ll be pointing and naming foliage like a boss, creative outdoor living space so you can stay in nature longer, and maybe even planting your own kitchen garden. Who knows, you may even start preaching about the benefits of composting to anyone who will listen. So go ahead, embrace your inner outdoorsy person, and enjoy all the beauty that nature has to offer.

#10. Partners in the extra daylight!

Hey there, lovebirds! The later sunset means more time to spend with your significant other. No more coming home from work when it’s already dark outside and having to settle for a quick dinner and some Netflix. With the extra daylight, you can finally take that sunset stroll you’ve been dreaming of or have a romantic dinner outside.

But in reality, sometimes spending time with your partner can mean doing some household chores together. With the later sunset, you can get those pesky tasks done and still have time for some quality time. You may even get some help with your “honey-do” list (or at least some supervision while you do it).

And let’s not forget about the opportunities for some fun and games. Maybe you can finally teach your partner how to throw a football or have a friendly game of frisbee. Or perhaps you can finally have that outdoor movie night you’ve been talking about. Whatever it may be, the extra daylight gives you more time to connect and have some fun with your significant other. So go ahead, plan that date night, and get some things done around the yard while you’re at it.

Let’s get out there!

Well, there you have it! The later sunset brings with it so many awesome benefits – from increased productivity and better mental health to more time spent with loved ones and enhanced natural beauty. It’s time to celebrate and embrace these longer days!

So go ahead, grab your sunscreen and your shades, and get out there to make the most of these extra hours of sunlight. Whether it’s spending time with your kids, taking a romantic stroll with your partner, or simply soaking up the natural beauty around you, the possibilities are endless. So let’s all raise a glass (or a water bottle if you’re trying to stay hydrated) to the late sunsets and all the joy and adventure they bring!

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