As I reached  midlife, it became clear to me that I needed to take time for reflection and reassessment. If you are like me, reflection and reassessment can bring feelings of being overwhelmed as well as trying to put off what needs to be done just so you don’t have to deal with the inevitable. But, we all know that  while anytime in your life is a great time to ensure our life is on track in midlife assessing your needs is absolutely essential.

Why? Because we don’t have much time to assure our needs are solidly in place. Therefore, if you neglect to strategically focus on your needs for your future midlife is when we are shocked into focusing on financial stability, physical and mental health, career satisfaction, and relationships. It’s a good time to take stock of where we are and make any necessary changes to ensure we are living the life we want. In this article, we will discuss the top 5 things to check off your list in midlife to help guide you on your journey.

top 5 things to check off your list

1. Reviewing your Financial Plan

Review your financial plan and make sure you are on track to reach your retirement goals. This may include saving more, investing in a diversified portfolio, or re-evaluating your spending habits. This also includes setting up a trust for your assets and a will to distribute your wealth when you pass. 

2. Assessing your health

Assess your physical and mental health and make any necessary changes to maintain or improve them. This may include regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress management techniques. However, and this is important, if you are the type of person that only gets a health evaluation when you are sick and rarely get a baseline health evaluation, now is the time to start. Yearly health check ups are a perfect way to catch possible problems that may come up in the future  so you can take steps to mitigate health issues by  lifestyle changes before the health issue can only be managed by medication only. 

3. Evaluate how you are earning

Evaluate your career and consider whether you are on the path you want to be on or if a change is necessary. This may include going back to school, starting a business, or exploring new job opportunities. 

This also includes managing any passive earning activities. This includes but not limited to; pensions, 401k, investment stocks, dividend stock and bonds. Its important you familiarize yourself with all your passive income earning to ensure you are controlling ensuring that these incomes are working for you not against you.

Also don’t assume you don’t have any passive incomes in your name. When I was younger I worked for a company that had an excellent employee stock program. I left the company to raise a family and ass time went on i completely forgot I held stock in that company. to my surprise my stocks grow tremendously through the year. one interesting site for you to check out is

And finally, while not an income, it is important that you understand all the insurances you hold. This included everything from home and auto insurances to long term disability and life insurance. Evaluating these insurances may save you money an/or help you to mitigate your love ones responsibility and burdens when you die.

4. Re-evaluate relationships

Re-evaluate and strengthen your relationships with family and friends. This may include setting aside regular time for them, fostering deeper connections, and addressing any unresolved issues.

5. Reflect on you

Reflecting on yourself in midlife can be a valuable exercise in personal growth and self-discovery. It can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and make any necessary changes to ensure you are living the life you want. Remember, It’s important to be honest with yourself, be open to change and take action.

Some things to reflect on may be your personal values and goals and make sure they align with your current life. They may include volunteering, pursuing a hobby, or traveling to new places.

Time to do it now

Midlife can be a challenging time, but it can also be a time of growth and self-discovery. By taking the time to evaluate your financial plan, physical and mental health, career, relationships, and personal values, you can make sure you are on the path to living the life you want. Remember to take things one step at a time, and don’t be afraid to seek help or guidance when needed.



Q: What is the first thing I should do in midlife? A: Review your financial plan and make sure you are on track to reach your retirement goals. This may include saving more, investing in a diversified portfolio, or re-evaluating your spending habits.


Q: How can I improve my physical and mental health in midlife? A: You can improve your physical and mental health by regularly exercising, eating a balanced diet, and implementing stress management techniques. It’s also important to seek professional help if you need it.


Q: How can I change my career in midlife? A: You can change your career by going back to school, starting a business, or exploring new job opportunities. It’s important to evaluate your current career and see if it aligns with your values and goals.


Q: How can I strengthen my relationships in midlife? A: You can strengthen your relationships by setting aside regular time for your loved ones, fostering deeper connections, and addressing any unresolved issues. It’s also important to maintain open communication and be there for your loved ones when they need you.


Q: How can I align my personal values and goals with my current life? A: You can align your personal values and goals with your current life by volunteering, pursuing a hobby, or traveling to new places. It’s important to take time to reflect on what you value and what you want to achieve in your life.

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